Friday, 24 April 2020

Escapril Day 24. Prompt: Black Hole

Black Hole

There's a place where it's best not to go.
A human-eating black hole.
You can sit by the side and look,

Repulsed by the horrors within
And vow to always stay away.
For its forces are strong;
Its sides slippery and steep.
Once in, in's impossible to come out
The same way you went in.
You can only hope that with time
You will pop out the other side
Goodness knows where.
If you're lucky, it won't take too long,
But be warned: it might make you stay.
Oh, and nobody,
NOBODY comes out unchanged.

She circles its edge,
Her own personal hell,
Unsure what brought her here this time
And ambivalent... torn.
A life lived on the brink
Means she's learnt to co-exist with its pull.
Though she walks on solid ground
With head held high
And living her life, engaged with the world,
The Black Hole's force never leaves her.
As it grows stronger, she returns to the edge
To peer resignedly down inside.

The grey-black iciness emanating from within
Chill her to the bone, and never fail to scare.
But walking on a knife-edge is hard too.
Sometimes it's easier to just let go and fall.
Both worlds are pulling her
As often before.
She teeters, and wobbles...
Once... twice...
Momentarily unable to right herself.
With a last supreme effort,
She steadies herself, falls...
And she lands on firm soil.
Breathless, she scrambles away, for today.
It won't be her last encounter,
But this place does not own her.

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