Friday, 30 July 2021


Someone stole my child while I was sleeping,

And left a fine young lady in her place.

Her appearance is familiar;

The fairness of her skin and hair,

The huge blue eyes and lightness of frame all quite expected;

The products of her genes.


She’s steeped in music and words,

And will carry these abilities through her life;

The products of her upbringing.

The surprise is in the woman she’s become.

All by herself, she’s a spirit of the age

With her finger on society’s pulse.


An artist, an aesthetician,

A social justice warrior,

A defender of human rights,

A lover of animals and

A voice for the voiceless,

The shy little girl has become

Politically bold,

Unapologetically outspoken,

A loyal friend, who will not tolerate

The mistreatment of others.


We spend nine months

Expecting a baby.

Time and experience will show us

Who that child will become,

And that is the Unexpected.


Tre Mesi

Tre mesi di italiano!

Ho imparato molto.

Conosco persino la differenza

Tra faccio, viso e volto.


Conosco i giorni e i mesi,

Come contare fino a cento;

Parla di colori e

Descrivi l'abbigliamento.


Conosco alcuni oggetti

Che sono a casa mia.

E i parenti: fratelli, nonni,

Madre, padre, zio e zia.


Parlo molto di cibo

E anche animali,

La taglia del mio criceto

E i miei nuovi stivali.


Le domande sono facili

E anche l'ortografia.

Conosco poche parole

A proposito di geografia.


Amo molte delle parole

Ma questi: ti, mi, vi, e ci,

Noi, voi, te, me e lo, la, le